Getting out of “Dark Scrum”

The only reason I’m still stuck with Scrum is because I’ve experienced it. Over the years I’ve seen it working so great, that I sort of felt in love with the energy well-functioning teams are creating. I love the self-management, I love the value-creation, and the impact the environment has on customers and the overall business results.

But it was not always like that. I didn’t like it at first. I took it as another process. I was angry that I must change. Deeply insight, I was afraid of the change that seems artificial, stupid, and crazy. At first, with my team we didn’t really like what we were requested to do, trying to fake it. Making all the possible mistakes you can imagine. The break point happened when we realized that it’s not about having a backlog, it’s not about standups, it’s not even about having a retrospective. It’s about the ability to take over the responsibility and ownership and do things our way. That Scrum is only a framework that allows you to creatively create outcome. Not just some work but achieve real value customers care about. And more over I realized that there is no need for perfection. By inspecting and adapting we make it work. If it doesn’t work, we improve it and find a way how to be successful. Change is our next day.

So why are organizations so stuck with faking it? Firstly, after that many years, organizations still don’t have people who experienced the real Scrum spirit and energy. They are so stuck in the project management individual way of working that it’s close to impossible to even imagine how things could be different. I used to believe that when we make agile well-known word, people use the common sense, and by inspecting and adapting create their own way of being successful. Instead, I see too much of the “Fake Scrum”, “Grey-processed Scrum”, or even “Dark Scrum”. So, stop saying it will never work here and start finding a way. I eventually had to redefine the goal. I now believe that we, the agile community, need to actively fight the flavors of Dark Scrum. That’s why I wrote the Great ScrumMaster: #ScrumMasterWay and Agile Leader: Leveraging the Power of Influence books. That’s why I teach and coach hundreds of practitioners. To help them to return to the mindset, help organizations to realize what are the principles, and what is this change really about:

  • There is no one way. Stop copy pasting practices, follow the principles.

Create your own way by inspecting and adapting.

  • It’s not about delivery but about achieving value.

Deliver end-to-end value.

  • Don’t hide behind contracts, invite the customer in your team and collaborate.

Create partnerships.  

  • We don’t know what needs to be done, only what needs to be achieved.

Be adaptive.

  • Don’t focus on growing individual skills, build environment for team collaboration.

Relationships maters.

  • Don’t hide things behind tools, roles and processes. Share everything so everyone knows what’s happening.

Crete radical transparency.

  • You don’t need to control everything. Trust the team they can make it together.

Become an Agile Leader.

So if you are wondering how much of “Fake”, “Grey/processed” or “Dark” Scrum you have make an assessment around the following points on a 0-100 scale. If your overall score is 0-30 you’re stuck in traditional management, 31-49 it’s a blend, and it surely feels that way. No that it’s not a start but there is a lot of pain over here and there. Finally, if your overall score is 50-70, congratulations. You are on the journey. It’s not about being ideal but improving along the way. Embrace the Kaizen principles.

Becoming a Great Product Owner

Companies often ask me how to find a good Product Owner. To start with, great Product Owners need to have a good business knowledge. It’s not about the product feature knowledge that much as your developers will have it as well, but it’s about understanding the overall business and market dynamics, the competitors, the existing product on the market. It’s about being able to create a business plan, understanding the customer needs. Product Owners need to have a sense of how we bring our product to the market. And finally, it’s also about being open to hear the feedback from the customers and change our plans accordingly.

The second area is about having a time to focus on being a great Product Owner. It needs to become your personal goal, so don’t combine it with anything else. After all, your ultimate job is to make the product successful so don’t worry, it will pay back. It takes time to develop different ways of creating Backlog items, it takes time to prioritize, but more importantly you need to have time to collaborate with people. Not only just with your developers, but more importantly with stakeholders and customers. In the traditional environments, we often believe that a Product Owner is a magical person who writes requirements, then throws them across the wall to developers to create and that’s it. But in reality when they catch it, they usually throw it back and say, “We don’t understand this, somebody should give us more details”. But that’s how it should never look like in agile space. Building a Backlog is about collaboration and co-creation with developers, stakeholders and customers. So you should never write backlog items without them. By collaborating and co-creating, people build the same understanding, alignment, and relationships among each other so then when they work on a particular item during the Sprint, they can actually be much more efficient. They ask clarifying questions directly, they don’t need a Product Owner to be in the middle. Having said so, the Product Owner could be seen more as a facilitative role, as a person who puts everybody together, who makes sure they can collaborate, who makes sure they all are aligned and share the same vision, who sets the priorities, who sets the product goals to be achieved, but actually who is not the team assistant that writes requirements. The power of Scrum is in creating teams that are close to the customer and understand their needs.

The next area for great Product Owners to be able to make a decision, be able to say “NO” to a feature. Product Owners who are weak in this and saying yes to every idea your stakeholders and customers come up with are not really good ones because their backlog keeps growing into unlimited size. And by the way, the more collaborative and inclusive you are as a team the worst it goes. So the most important thing Product Owners need to learn is to say “No, we are not going to do that now”. In order to say that you need to have a clear version, clear direction, good understanding of the customer need and market dynamics. 80% of the business value is only in 20% of functionality. Once you accept that, it’s relatively simple to say “We are going to do this now and the rest later or never.” And that’s quite a magical phrase. That’s how you really recognize if being a Product Owner is for you. Because if you can say that sentence with a big smile on your face, you are going to be a great Product Owner, if not, and if it’s only causing you frustration and pain, because you believe that everything needs to be done, the Product Owner role is not for you.

To summarize, you need strong business knowledge, authority and time, plus good negotiation, communication and facilitation skills. It’s a lot, but that’s the mix you need to develop to become a great Product Owner.

Top 10 Agile conferences to attend in 2025

Every year I speak at many conferences and based on my experience I recommend some places to go for inspiration. Here is my list of Top 10 Agile conferences to attend in 2025. It’s not my intention to cover them all, I’m sharing places where I like to return. Inspiring places with interaction, high energy, and great speakers.

  1. AgilePrague Conference is one of the best conferences in Europe. In two days, it creates unique collaborative space. You can expect two parallel tracks with short talks, afternoon workshops, and inspirational keynotes. Plus, Prague is a great city to visit so you can come early and enjoy the weekend in Prague. Join Agile Prague on Sep 15-16, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic.
  2. AgileDC is a one-day conference with a motto: Of the People, By the People, and For the People. Organized by local community and it has a great atmosphere. Washington DC metro area, Oct 27, 2025.
  3. Scan Agile is one of my favorite conferences. It’s where the future of Agile takes shape. This year is planned for March 27-28, 2025 in Helsinki, Finland.
  4. ACE!Conference in Krakow, Poland is bringing together two tracks: Building Software Better and Building Better Product. What more could you ask for? It’s always an incredible atmosphere. Mark your calendars for May 22-23, 2024, and join ACE!
  5. Global Scrum Gathering Munich is the only global gathering happening this year on May 4-7, 2025. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded agilists from all over the world. It’s going to be an unforgettable experience!
  6. Agile Testing Days are almost a festival not a traditional conference. The full week of tutorials, talks, workshops, and networking events is just awesome. Join Testing Days even if you are not a tester. It’s in Potsdam, Germany on Nov 24-27, 2024.
  7. Talk Less is a smaller even in Warsaw with a motto Scaling Agile for Simplicity and Success. Scaling doesn’t have to be hard. Join and learn from practical case studies on Dec 2025.
  8. Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo is organized by an enthusiastic agile community in Japan. The purpose is to provide a “Ba” (place) where practitioners share ideas among Scrum practitioners having a great diversity. Regional Gatherings provides a unique experience and even if you don’t speak Japanese, there are some talks in English and other translated. Join me and the local community on January 8-10, 2025.
  9. XP Days Benelux is a conference with parallel workshops for experienced audience. This year it’s going to be in Zemst, Belgium on Nov 27-28, 2025.
  10. Agile Tour Vilnius is day full of great talks in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference is organized by local agile community and I always enjoy the energy and conversation with participants.

The selection is based on my personal preference and experiences from those events.

Other conferences to consider this year

There are many great events that didn’t make it to this list, so please share your suggestions with us and we add them to the following list.

Kanban Edge 2025 – March 06, 2025, London, United Kingdom

Sell Agile to Customers

People often ask me how to sell an agile way of working to their customers. To the customers who are used to the traditional way of working, customers who are used to requirements and fix scope, fix time, and fix budget, and customers who are used to big upfront analysis.

Don’t expect any magic. Selling is simple. All you need to do is to show the value. Show them what it is in for them. Because if they don’t understand what kind of value they are getting with this new way of working, all they have is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of change. Always start with why. No change will happen unless you create a sense of urgency.

The value they get will differ depending on the situation and their experience, so my best selling pitch always starts with questions. What would you say about your current experience? What are the typical pains? What is going well? What is important for you? I try to be open to new perspectives and curious about their situation. Then based on what they say I try to offer a new way of working. “We do *something differently* so that *this* and *this* will not happen.” The closer you get to their language, the better. Typically, you need to address lack of transparency, misunderstanding of the customer needs, not keeping the budget, and/or quality issues. They also often ask for a reference, so be ready to give one.

The most important is that you can only sell things you truly believe in. It’s good to already have some experience not only for a reference but also for your self-confidence. It’s always visible from your body language if you don’t believe in it. Plus, it’s hard to answer their curious questions about the details of your work if you never experienced it.

How to Start Good Agile

People always ask how to start, what are the practices we need to do, what is the magic. They are looking for a cookbook, something to copy step by step. And they are often disappointed that I refrain from recommending them where to see the ideal example. Look what good or bad copying Spotify way of working brought to the industry. So if not copy what someone else did, how shall we start?

First step of every change is to create a sense of urgency. If you don’t have it, you won’t change. Ever. Because we are fine, we are good enough. We always did it this way. So to break a habit, you need to find a strong reason why keeping your habits is not a way forward. Only then you can start moving.

  • Why do we have to change?
  • What happen if we don’t?

Often, we see reasons why the change is inevitable. But ask yourself, hat about the others? Do they feel the same way? Communication is the key here. Communicate over and over again. Why are we doing it. The higher the urgency the higher the chance of success.

Second phase is start experimenting. Start small. No big changes. Note we are not looking for perfection, we look for good enough and inspect and adapt form there. One team after another. Learn from mistakes, develop the habit of continuous improvement. Implement the Kizen mindset. You can run the whole transformation in Scrum, iterating is Sprints, learning from retrospectives, getting feedback in Reviews, creating a Backlog with organizational impediments, and through that process inspect and adapt. Very agile, and very simple as well.

And how do you know it’s working? In general, when I go to organizations, I check two things:

  1. Do they work as individuals, or as a team.
  2. Are they delivering work, or end-to-end business value.

Individuals distribute work, deliver it and then try to merge it together. There is my work and your work. They don’t need each other much. It’s the world of work distribution, allocation, and individual responsibility. Team on the contrary are collaborating to achieve a goal. They don’t have roles; they do whatever it takes to achieve the common goal. Teams often leverage the pair work, swarming or mobbing. They learn, help each other. They are more creative and innovative and therefore more effective in solving complex problems.

The traditional world was full of managing dependencies. The skill-oriented departments were not value oriented but optimizing for individual performance. And don’t take me wrong, it totally made sense as the majority of their problems were just complicated, far from being unpredictable and complex. In the world where we know what needs to be done, the whole difficulty is how to plan and deliver it exactly according to the plan. The complexity and unpredictability of the nowadays business environment changed that. We realized we don’t know what needs to be done and all we can do is to inspect and adapt. Find a way how to achieve the business goals. Learn from feedback the sooner the better.

Both points are fundamentally changing the way we work. Both are necessary for agile to be successful. So, you can do a simple assessment 0-10. What is the quality of our collaboration, are we working as individuals, or self-managing, cross-functional, dedicated team? Are we output, skills, and effort oriented or are we outcome driven delivering end-to-end customer value? Just two scales to reflect. Agile is simple, right?

Stop Solving

One of the biggest issues ScrumMasters have at the beginning of their journey is to believe that they are here to solve the problems, but this is just wrong. You’re not here to solve the problems, quite the opposite. Your ultimate goal is to create a self-managing team that can solve the problem. Solving is not your job. You’re not a team assistant, you’re not a team mother, you’re a coach who can help your team to take over the responsibility and ownership, so they will make that problem go away. I think that’s the hardest part of being a ScrumMaster. I mean there is a lot. You need to learn all the agile practices, understand Scrum, learn about different frameworks, different techniques, different tools. You need to be good at explaining things, you need to be a coach, and facilitator, and you need to help them be successful.

But I think the most difficult part is to stop solving things. That’s the beginning of your leadership journey. From being an expert to becoming a catalyst leader or agile leader. And here is the problem. If you are not solving things with your own hands, you often feel you are not creating value. You feel redundant. When I started it was not much different for me. I was helping the team with everything I could without realizing I was in their way to becoming self-managing. I never gave them an opportunity to make their own choices nor learn from their mistakes. I was always there to save them. My lack of patience was actually limiting their progress to become a high-performing team.

You are not here to solve anything, ScrumMasters are here to create an environment where people can grow, and take responsibility and ownership for their own journeys. Help them, support them, and let them make their own choices even if that means they can fail. We all learn through failures. Develop the patience to observe and let go. Build the trust they can make it. Soon you will be surprised how great teams emerge from such a trustful environment.

Facilitation is Key to the Success of Agile

When I started my agile journey, I didn’t know much about facilitation. I thought it was something we didn’t need, I thought that it was enough to tell people what to do and they would do it. But the more I worked in different environments I realized that forming a well-functioning team or creating an effective workshop, which is engaging and allows people to collaborate, brainstorm different ideas without being judgmental, and create innovative ideas is not that simple. I realized that being a facilitator is a true art and started to read about facilitation and practice different tools and techniques. And there are so many of them… you need to know which tools and techniques you can use to expand the conversation and come up with new ideas. You need to know which techniques you need to use to narrow it down and get closer to creating an agreement. You also need to know some tools and techniques to bring back the energy or help people feel aligned and engaged.

But at the end of the day, I realized that being a facilitator is not about tools and techniques, those are a good starting point, don’t take me wrong, but it’s about being able to read the space, being able to feel the energy, and being able to work with emotions. Notice what is going on in the system. Realize what they need and make sure they are ready to move on. 

The hardest on my facilitation journey was not to learn the tools and create a plan for a workshop, but to be ready to throw it away and completely change my plan when the people need it. It’s like a dance. You need to know your steps, feel the music, and move in the rhythm, you can plan to make a big circle around the hall, but eventually, you need to dance at the moment. Be flexible and react to the environment.

In the traditional world we didn’t collaborate that much, we distributed the tasks and worked individually. In agile, we need to collaborate as a team to get creative and innovative ideas. To solve complex problems. We also need to collaborate with our customers. We refine the backlog together. All such collaborations need facilitation, to create a healthy, energizing, and creative environment. Collaboration looks simple but needs a bit of practice. Great facilitators will help you create better outcomes.

Are you interested in becoming a better facilitator? Join our agile facilitation workshop and practice facilitation on scenarios from an agile environment.

Focus on Value

One of the biggest shifts in the agile world is from output to outcome or in other words from being busy to achieving something meaningful. It looks simple. If we plan it well, the two are supposed to be the same, right? So, what’s the problem?

The more we deal with complex problems, the more possible solutions are available, and the harder it is to find the right one, that will bring the business value. We have so many options and it’s hard to evaluate their impact.

Let me give you an example. Imagine you’re having a gaming company. The company creates free games for mobiles which you can just download and enjoy playing. So how do they get money as a company? They make their players buy something at the game store. In a traditional environment, somebody smart has an idea to build more items for the game store to get more money. And the teams in traditional environments are done when they implement the feature that it’s up and running in the store. No bugs, it works, and they implemented it that fast, according to their estimates. That’s how success is defined in the traditional environment. We don’t question the plan, we just deliver as fast as we can.

In the Agile world, the implementation is just a prerequisite. We don’t do it so that we have it, we do it because we want to achieve a business value. Now how do we know if we achieved a business value? Well, that’s a bit tricky right? It’s much harder to measure value than to measure velocity. To be able to get a sense that we are delivering value, we need to have a good relationship with our customers and get frequent feedback to know if we are going in the right direction. As an example of value metric, the team can start measuring things like how many people bought this new item in the game store and if it’s growing, they call it a success. Value was delivered. But that might not be the real value either as you might realize people only bought it once and never again, and then it was actually a waste of your money implementing it. So you improve the metric and start measuring things like returning customers and if it grows you call it a success.

And after focusing on value metrics for some time, you realize that more features don’t necessarily bring more value. You can implement ten new items to your game store and people might even stop playing the game as they say it’s confusing. In a complex world, more doesn’t mean better. So stop focusing on speed. Stop caring about velocity. The only important thing in nowadays constantly changing complex world is to be able to inspect and adapt quickly based on the feedback. Measure value, not effort.

5 Reasons Why to Attend AgilePrague Conference 2024

#1: Inspirational Speakers

Several years in a row we managed to achieve high-quality program while keeping it affordable to the participants. This year you can be looking forward to awesome speakers, for example, Mirko Kleiner the Thought Leader in Lean-Agile Procurement, Roman Pichler a leading product management expert, and Per Beining the only FaST Autorized Trainer in Europe. And I can continue.

Register soon, the conference is sold out every year.

#2: Practical Case studies

Every year we find interesting case studies from agile journey companies where they share not only their success but failures as well so you can learn from real-life scenarios.

See the program.

#3: Coaches Clinic

You can discuss any area you are interested in and get free help from experienced coaches at our Coaches Clinic. It is a unique and free service designed to help you with specific challenges you’ve encountered on your way to a more Agile way of working. The Coaches Clinic is prepared and organized by Certified Agile Coaches – Certified Team Coaches (CTC), Certified Enterprise Coaches (CEC), Certified Scrum Trainers (CST), and other experienced Agile coaches.

#4: Open Space

AgilePrague Conference is not just about listening. We want you to participate and come up with your own session. Every mid-day there is an open space where you have an opportunity to share ideas, discuss topics with each other and join a deep dive conversation with our speakers. Open space is an opportunity to create your own program and bring your own topics to the conference.

#5: Visit Prague 

Prague is an awesome city, so why not combine the sightseeing & conference? Have a beer, wander through old town & narrow streets, and enjoy one of the greatest historical cities 🙂

Looking forward to seeing you on Sep 16-17, 2024 at AgilePrague Conference!

Challenge the Status Quo

Over the years, I was hoping that if we, agile coaches and trainers do our job well, we can multiply the success we experienced. I was part of the early adopters’ wave of agility. We were open to trying new things, experimenting with different ways of working, trying one step at a time, and inspecting and adapting along the way. And it worked. I experienced the new energy, better outcomes, happier customers, and more successful products.

Later I leveraged that experience, became an agile coach, and started helping various organizations with their agile transformation. I was able to smooth their journey and help them to avoid some mistakes we made when we started. Then early majority came, it felt harder, but also good because they were able to pivot and get better. They were genuinely trying to change. It might have looked difficult at the beginning, it was definitely not a straightforward journey, but it worked as they developed the continuous change and improvement muscle. After a while, it was not that hard to help those organizations to shift. They were open to change and therefore successful.

When the late majority hit, it brought those tough environments where people apply various scaling frameworks, trying to find a recipe, looking for shortcuts. They wanted to be done with it quickly and go back to normal. They were often not willing to stop and rethink how they wanted to progress. That’s the golden era of consultancy companies, with their big bang agile transformations. The satisfaction with a change was not always great, as to achieve something they needed to go through several waves of agile transformations, trying to get out of the habits, complicated project structures, hierarchy, and irrelevant metrics. As they were often repeating the same mistakes over and over again, success was not that easy to get. But eventually, they realize that agile is not another process and reconnect to the mindset.

Now, I start seeing some of the laggards and it makes me wonder why they feel a need to pretend they want to change because their constraints are often so fixed that it simply won’t work. Implementing agile without changing the way you work will only create pain and no meaningful outcomes. And yet I do the same as I always did. Try to find enthusiastic individuals, who are ready to start challenging the status quo. For the rest, I put a seed in their minds. It will grow eventually. Maybe they can’t do much about it now, but in some time, they remember it and go for a different way of working.

Success is not about practices, it’s not about tools, it’s about the ability to challenge the status quo and change the way you work. Let’s together transform the world of work.