Top 10 Retrospective Formats

There are so many books, blogs, and sites describing different retrospective formats, but it’s still one of the most common questions I get in the ScrumMaster classes.

When I started as a ScrumMaster, I was only using one format for about two years – and it worked. We got used to it and I learned how to facilitate it and generate meaningful improvements for the team. When I started coaching different organizations, I realized what variety is available and started practicing different formats. I guess that at that time I became more confident with my facilitation skills and stopped being afraid of experiments.

Don’t forget that the goal of a good retrospective is not to complain but to improve so you need to come up with an actionable improvement for the next Sprint. But let’s start with how structure of a good retrospective works. It’s common practice to do some check-in activity, for example by asking “If you are a weather, what kind of weather are you?” to get the focus of everyone. It doesn’t have to be long but it’s a good energizer. Then you explore the possibilities and gather the data so you can reflect. It usually generates too many ideas, so you need to narrow it down to the topics that are most important for the team i.e. grouping, dot voting, etc. Then you explore the most important topic looking for options “What can we do as a team so that this will never happen/improve”. When you generate several options let the team choose what they like to commit to. Too many actions usually don’t stick, and the team will not do them next Sprint, so don’t aim for too many. One improvement is better than many on a to-do list. If you like to get more details on the process check a talk I gave at several conferences.

Now once we summarized the goal and structure of a good retrospective, let’s have a look at my top ten formats.

Retrospective #1 – Plus and Delta

This retrospective format is the foundation most ScrumMasters start with. Team members take turns saying what they like, what they should continue with, and what they like to improve. It’s simple, everyone has a voice, and you don’t need much preparation.

Retrospective #2 – Star

Another popular retrospective format is called star where you expand the classic format of two questions into five segments and let the team look at the given Sprint from different angles – start, more, continue, less, stop. The team usually writes their suggestions on postits. This retrospective format broadens the perspective and usually generates more topics for the team. It is also easier to get the whole team involved as writing is often easier than having everyone speak.

Retrospective #2 – Star

Retrospective #3 – Speedboat

Once you’re bored with classic retrospective formats, try something more playful. I think the most classic is the speed boat metaphor. The wind in the sails represents what helps us, the anchors represent what is stopping us. And there is no limit to creativity in designing the picture. If you let the team design the picture, it will be even more fun. It encourages the team’s creativity and brings up topics that wouldn’t appear in regular retrospectives.

Retrospective #3 – Speedboat

Retrospective #4 – Three Little Pigs

“Three Little Pigs” is a fairy tale about little pigs that build their houses from different materials. The first pig was lazy and built a straw house to play quickly. The second put a little more energy into building the house and quickly built a house out of sticks and ran off to play. The third worked all day and built a house of bricks. The next day, a wolf walked by, smelled a pig through the straw, and was already looking forward to dinner. He blew up the first house, and the little pig just barely managed to hide the second house, when the wolf broke the sticks with one blow the little pigs ran away to the brick house. When the wolf was unable to break it down, he decided to climb into it through the chimney. But the pigs were ready for that, prepare a pot of boiling water and the wolf never returned…

This retrospective uses the story as a metaphor and has the team compare their system and operation to a house made of straw, sticks, and bricks. This retrospective often helps the team identify longer-term stability, sustainability, and technical debt issues.

Retrospective #4 – Three Little Pigs

Retrospective #5 – Mad Sad Glad

This retrospective tries to look at the way of working through our feelings. Team members describe what makes them mad, sad, or glad. As with the previous formats, you can use postits or just let everyone talk. Not everything is rational and measurable, and it’s good to give space to feelings.

Retrospective #5 – Mad Sad Glad

Retrospective #6 – Timeline

Sometimes the team tell you that they don’t remember everything that happened. In that case, you can try drawing a timeline and have them write down the events already during the Sprint. At the beginning of the retrospective, you revise such a timeline and let everyone remember what was happening when the note was written.

Retrospective #6 – Timeline

Retrospective #7 – ESVP: Explorer – Shopper – Vacationer – Prisoner

Sometimes it happens that the team doesn’t work properly, and they don’t want to participate in the retrospective. ESVP format looks at team dynamics and explore individual team member’s attitude. Explorers are ideal team members. They get involved, are active, come up with ideas, take responsibility. The shoppers are a bit more passive, but when they see something interesting, they get involved and ‘put it in their cart’. The vacationers are cool, glad they don’t need to work. They usually don’t get much involved but are not distracting either. The prisoners don’t want to be here and often are quite aggressive. They can poison the entire event.

At the beginning of the retrospective, let everyone where they are. When you find out that you have most people as prisoners, there is no point in continuing the classic retrospective. Instead, try to look for the root cause and how to help them get out of the prison.

Retrospective #7 - ESVP: Explorer - Shopper - Vacationer - Prisoner

Retrospective #8 – Appreciation

Positivity is the key. Research says that the well-functioning teams have a ratio of positive vs. negative events on average 5:1. Therefore in this retrospective, team members will appreciate the contribution of other team members.

Retrospective #8 – Appreciation

Retrospective #9 – Road to the Beach

One of the more creative forms of retrospectives is based on children’s games. It can take many forms, for example, a trip to the beach representing a metaphor of a Sprint where individual members imagine the Sprint as a trip to the beach and begin to describe it. “On the way to the beach a storm comes,” says the first. And another team member continues: “On the way to the beach a storm came, and we got lost and didn’t know where to go.” And another team member repeats what those before him said and adds another event: “On the way to the beach a storm came, we got lost and we didn’t know where to go and the road was wet and muddy…” and so on. Every event in the journey to the beach is a metaphor for what happened in the Sprint. Sometimes the team needs a change, and this retrospective is fun. Everyone has to guess what each part of the way to the beach meant in reality and also be able to remember the whole story.

Retrospective #9 - Road to the Beach

Retrospective #10 – Bingo!

This retrospective format is the most creative. Do you like playing Bingo? Well, that’s good news because you can play it with your team at the next retrospective. Together, the team brainstorms the events that happened within the Sprint either on cards or on an online board. When brainstorming on sticky notes, everyone must write down the same set of events. Everyone builds their own Bingo! board – the cards are the same, but everyone chooses the position of the individual cards themselves. One team member shuffles the cards and reads them one by one. The others mark what has already been said wait for “Bingo!”. The team member that got a Bingo! explains to the others how he experienced the mentioned events. Then the cards are shuffled again, and another person reads. It is a very playful form of retrospective, and it strengthens positivity in the team and shows different perspectives.

Retrospective #10 – Bingo!


It’s the end of the year, and that’s always a good time to reflect back. So how about if you do a very different retrospective this time, and instead of focusing on improvements talk about some great things which happened this year. What did you change which helped you to be a better team? What made you happy? What do you appreciate about your colleagues?

You can say it directly, print the cards, use the images in a Mural template where people can fill them in, or design your own cards. It’s not about the form, nor tool. It’s raising the positivity of the space, showing others your appreciation. Great teams do that regularly. Great organizations do that across the teams and departments. You might be one of them, and this suggestion would feel like nothing new. However, too many organizations are busy to stop for appreciation. They need to deliver, work faster, achieve the goals. If that feels like your environment, break your habits, and introduce more positivity, more appreciation. Not only before the end of the year but regularly. It will bring the results soon.

Failing Fast

To my huge surprise, I realized that the concept of failing fast and learning from failure is difficult for some people to accept. They always feel the frustration when I say that ScrumMaster needs to feel comfortable to let the team fail so they can learn. I wrote about it here a few times, so you most likely know it, but the goal of a ScrumMaster is to make teams self-organized. They are not their assistant nor their mothers (as it might end by being dependent on a ScrumMaster), they are not their managers (the team is self-organized, fully responsible for their decisions), ScrumMaster is a coach, facilitator, helping the team to take ownership and realize they can solve most of their problems by themselves. And with every decision you take, there is a responsibility going hand in hand, and risk that you might fail. It is OK to fail if you learn from it. So ScrumMasters are not responsible for preventing failure, but for making sure the team will learn from it and figure out how are they going to work differently next time, so it will never happen again. And that’s very different from what the project managers have in their job description. And here is why – Project Manager is responsible for making decisions, ScrumMasters is not. It’s either the Development team (for how are they going to organize themselves to maximize the value towards the Sprint Goal), or Product Owner (for maximizing the value, prioritizing the backlog, and achieving the overall product success including the return on investment).

Agile is about safety to experiment and learning from feedback. In the VUVCA world, you never know what is the right functionality which will multiply the value and success. You need to inspect and adapt. Learn from failures. Be ready to respond to changes and be flexible to shift the direction based on feedback. Scrum has it all. Short Sprints which make it safe to fail, Retrospectives which ensure fast learning, Sprint Reviews which create a platform for frequent customer feedback, and Product Owners who take care of maximizing value and return on investment. It’s one thing to read it, and another to live it. What happens in your body if you hear “Your Sprint just failed.” Is it closer to the panic and looking for who to blame or is it closer to being curious and excited to search for improvements? It’s a simple question that indicates the level of agility. Failure is a good thing. All you need to do is learn from it.

How to make your Retrospective great?

Retrospective is the crucial part of your success. Through Retrospective you implement Inspect and Adapt principles. Through Retrospective you learn and become better team, product group, and organization. So let’s have a look at a few tips about how ScrumMasters (but not only ScrumMasters) can make Retrospective great.

Understand the goal

The typical mistake in the beginning is that teams and ScrumMasters use the Retrospective only to discuss issues or complaints. The goal of the Retrospective is not to say what went well and what went wrong, but to improve. And in order to improve, you need to get clear list of action items actionable next Sprint as a result of every Retrospective. The frustration of some teams is coming from the fact that they can’t solve everything right away. ScrumMasters shall help them to find the first step and make sure they are able to make it. Then celebrate the success and find a next improvement. Don’t take too many action items. One, two or three are more than enough. Quantity is not the quality here.

Find root cause, don’t solve symptoms

Another tool which can help you to make your Retrospective great is root cause analysis. Too many times you spent time and energy in solving symptoms. The particular issue would got solved, but soon another two emerged. It’s never ending. Instead, whenever team identifies any problem, ask them to investigate it a little, why is it happening, when, who gets involved, what is the impact of it, what can cause it, etc. Once you understand it, in most of the cases you realize that the root cause is somewhere else then in the identified problematic situation. And more than that, once we address it, it solves many other issues we’ve been facing and didn’t know what to do with them.

root cause

Change the format of the Retrospective

Sometimes, even if you facilitate it right, teams are saying that they don’t get enough value from the Retrospective anymore. It used to be great but now we somehow lost the focus and it’s not that useful anymore. People are not coming with new ideas; it’s hard to identify any improvements. It usually happens when ScrumMaster uses the same format of the Retrospective all the time – i.e. “plus/delta”, or star with “Start, More, Less, Stop and Continue”. It became a routine. So here is the hint how to make your Retrospective again engaging. Every time you facilitate Retrospective, make it different. Use a different format, ask different questions. My favorite question is “What made you smile last Sprint? / What do you want to change?” You would be surprised like such a small difference change the energy of the meeting, brings different attitude and helps you make the whole retrospective in more creative environment. Once people get used to it, involve the whole team in designing the retrospective format.

If you find it interesting and want to know more, you can watch my conference talk on Agile Retrospective below or get my new book The Great ScrumMaster.